Debra Ward - ND Realty
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Call or Text Debra Ward, Broker, GRI, CPRES

At ND Realty, you are not just a number - you're our top priority!

Whether you’re a first-time home buyer, an anxious seller, a corporate client, or an investor looking to purchase rental properties, the team at ND Realty infuses confidence and peace of mind during the process from beginning and well beyond the end.

With over 20 years in the Southwest Florida marketplace, we know the "ins" and "outs" of Florida real estate.  We have participated in over 800+ transactions in our local MLS since the year 2000.  These transactions include luxury homes, condominiums, vacant land parcels and rentals.  There is nothing that compares with that type of "hands on" experience.  

Our clients return time and again for all of their real estate needs.  Their personal and heart-felt testimonials along with our proven records speak for themselves.  We are proud to call many of our previous clients dear friends.   

Interested in starting the process? Contact us today.

(239) 231-5999

Market Trends

Trends regarding real estate sales in the most popular areas that you might be interested in. Click "View Graph" to see a graph of the last 18 months.

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